Monday, April 25, 2011

Live Your Life to the Fullest

Living life to its fullest...that's sort of hard to do, isn't it? If you think about all the time that we spend at our jobs or in school. Well, I suppose you could take classes that you enjoy or actually find a job you like. I get it. Its not that easy, but that doesn't mean that you should not try. I feel that everyone should make a list of things they want to accomplish in life, not necessarily a bucket list, but that's cool too, but a list of just things in general no matter how big or how small.

If we can achieve even the smallest of these goals we can feel some sort of accomplishment in our lives and perhaps be a bit more cheery or feel the motivation to go that extra mile in another aspect of life. Another thing is, find that job that you love and go for that. Who cares if it isn't the fancy-shmancy doctor or lawyer job that your parents told you to get. Do something you love and are passionate about. This way you will be more intrinsically motivated to do it and it won't seem like a job, but a passion you chose to pursue. I'm not saying everyone drop what you are doing and become an artist, no. If you want to be a doctor, then go for it. Don't let anything hold you back. It doesn't matter where you come from or what your background is, the point of America is we can build our own future.

In times America does look bleak, a bleak chance at getting a job or bleak economy, but that shouldn't hold you down. A recession doesn't last forever. If everyone started feeling down and no one felt cheery, the world would be a pretty cold place. I guess, I'm starting to ramble about nothing again or what have you. I know not many people actually read or care about this. I'm not doing this to get readers, I guess its more of doing it for myself, and well, my Psychology class but even then I'm not sure if I'm entirely doing this right. Maybe I am, maybe I'm not. I wasn't really given guidance, so who knows? Not me, that's for sure.

Anyway, what I really wanted to talk about was making a list of things you wish to accomplish in life. Call it whatever you want. I'm quite frankly too young to be calling it a bucket list, but some of the things on there should be done when you are younger rather than when you get older. I know I won't be able to accomplish everything in one or two years. Some will take awhile and maybe I won't even get to touch others, but the point is, I'm going to try. My parents know about it and have read my list of items and support me. They've always supported me.

In fact, my mom said she'd like to do some of the things that are listed on my list, which I'll post after I finish this one. My dad said, go right ahead and was talking to me about some of the places that I wish to travel. I don't know, maybe to some people it seems silly and like I'm an idiot for making the list. I know that maybe you don't get it, but I quite frankly don't want to be stuck in little old Indiana doing some monotonous job for the rest of my life. I want to LIVE. I want to experience the world. I want to go to different countries to learn about the culture and language. I wish to bridge that gap between worlds and I don't know. Teach in a poor community sounds like fun. I don't need all that much money, never really thought about wanting any. I just want to help out in the world where I can and experience the world in full.

I already have some friends in different parts of the world. I have a friend who lives in South Africa, so its a wee bit hard to talk to him on a regular basis. He's an amazing person who's taught me a bit about South Africa and willing to answer my random questions about him or his country. I also have a friend in the Philippines who is like my older brother. It was a joke at first, but the nickname of nii-san just stuck and I've been calling him it ever since. Its really hard to talk to him because our time zones are basically flipped on their heads, but he's really nice. He listens and just talks to me. We've had to explain different holidays or schooling systems to each other, but its still awesome.

I also have a really good friend who is a foreign exchange student at my school this year. Her name is Lisa. She's from Japan so a lot of stuff in America is a new experience to her. I've learned a lot of cultural differences from her that I probably couldn't have accessed otherwise. Did you know that in Japan they don't have pretzels? Its seems silly and like such a minor thing, but its amazing all the same. They also don't have dances, instead they have cultural fairs. I don't know about them in full, but I think they sound neat from what she's told me. I know she wishes that they had dances back in Japan, I guess the whole I wish we had x, y, and z thing comes into play here.


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